Soul Reader by Lisa Zajkowski
Please welcome Lisa Zajkowski author of Soul Reader
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Soul Reader
by Lisa Zajkowski
GENRE: Paranormal Romance
Do you ever wish you were someone else? Who? No, I am proud of the person that I am and who I continue to grow into.
What did you do on your last birthday? It was Thanksgiving! I spent it with family!!
What part of the writing process do you dread? Editing.
Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it? I wouldn’t call it writer’s block, but I have moments where I’m not in alignment with self or in the mood. I usually do something else (swim, bike, run, watch TV or read)
Tell us about your latest release. Soul Reader is an epic journey with Marvin and Natalie that will take you through the mundane to the unfathomable.
When skeptic Marvin meets artistic Natalie in a coffee shop on a cold October morning, the two fall fast in love, but nothing is ever as easy as it feels.
Natalie believes that a divine something is guiding her life for her greater good, and it seems to be true. She lands her dream job and she and Marvin marry at a beachside castle. However, the ease and flow of their lives start to change. At the same time that Natalie becomes pregnant, Marvin experiences strange symptoms and visits his doctor.
When faced with a diagnosis that changes everything and odd dreams of the child that hasn’t yet been born, will Marvin let go of his skepticism or will he miss out on a lifetime with his loving family?
They walk through the archway and the dancing roses appear to be just what Talie said it would be. The roses grow in such a fashion that they dance with the breeze and the aroma in the garden is what love would smell like if there were such a scent associated with it. There are thousands of vibrant colored roses up and down in rows and they do not look like typical rose bushes. The stems of the roses are different, stronger, and able to uphold the bud. Almost any color that can be thought of is here, including purple, red, blue, yellow, rainbow, black, turquoise, white, pink, orange, two and three tone colors, and a bright red-orange sparkling rose. “Who owns this place?” Marvin asks. “There’s a plaque with the owner’s name on it over here,” Talie says leading the way. The memorial reads: Jonathan Rutherford and Ellen Campanilli Rutherford established “Roses of the Garden” in 1913. “Wow,” Marvin says, “They must have some secret formula regarding horticulture because I’ve never seen such roses!”
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Lisa M. Zajkowski has an exhilaration for life while exploring all areas from the ethereal to the ordinary, and she appreciates learning something from every aspect. Her main theme in life is fun, as she indulges in laughter and looks for the positive in every situation. She also thrives on pushing the boundaries of the body while enduring in the sport of Triathlon, having completed a Half Ironman. However, it’s her first love of running that brings her an immense sense of liberation and connectedness with the beauty of the world. Lisa loves connecting with people, and being a massage therapist allows her to do this as she enjoys helping people facilitate healing within their innate body systems. She is comforted in the softer side of life while cuddling with her dogs and cat, and desires to own a horse ranch. Lisa revels in the freedom of being fluid in her writing, taking pleasure in all genres of authoring. She is currently working on Drama, Sci-Fi, and Horror novels.
One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you so much for hosting!
Intriguing cover, synopsis and excerpt. This sounds like an awesome read. Thank you for sharing the book info.
Thank you for your kind words!!
Welcome to my blog. I hope you have a great tour.
Thank you!!
Sounds like a good book.
Thank you Rita!!
I am enjoying these tours and finding all the terrific books my family is enjoying reading. Thanks for bringing them to us and keep up the good work.
Thank you James!! I truly hope people enjoy the journey of Marvin and Natalie as much as I have!!
How do you come up for the names of the characters in your book?
Thank you for your question! Sometimes a name will just pop up in my head and I’m like, “That’s it!”. Other times, I try to find a name with meaning in regard to the personality of the character. In Soul Reader, Marvin Phoenix’s name is a symbol is his strength and character.
Thanks for the giveaway; I like the excerpt.
Much appreciated…Thank you!!
Sounds like my kind of book, thanks for sharing!
Thank you Victoria!!!
Sounds really great.
Are any of the people in this book based off of people that you know?
Good evening. My question for you today: Which type of character is your favorite in a story? The hero. the villain or someone who is a little bit of both?
Who is your favorite Muppet and why?
This sounds great