Love, Lies, and Bad Guys by Bill Blodgett
Please welcome Bill Blodgett author of Love, Lies, and Bad Guys
Bill Blodgett will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
Love, Lies, and Bad Guys
byBill Blodgett
GENRE: Romantic Suspense
- What or who inspired you to start writing?
My college English Lit professor, AR (initials only) , encouraged me to pursue English as my major and tried to steal me away from the Math and Science Degree program I was enrolled in, but as an adult learner with a job, wife, and daughter I had to keep on track toward my degree and making a living wage. As an adult learner I took every class very seriously and right from the beginning she appreciated my attentiveness. In class we dissected the work of many noted authors and I found it intriguing to see the message left there by the author in the subtext. So when I started writing I made it my goal to include something meaningful simmering below the main storyline as a message in my subtext. I believe it’s an author’s duty to offer something substantial to the reader that goes beyond the romantic story while making the romance the most important part of the book. AR read my first attempt at a book, which ended up as my third published novel, and gave me invaluable feedback and advice. For that I am forever grateful.
- How did you come up with ideas for your books?
My books are based on real life events that have happened to me or that I have witnessed through family or friends. I feel if I can relate to what I am writing using my personal experiences then the reader will be able to connect with the story and characters much better. In Love, Lies, and Bad Guys my connection is more through the character than the story. Losing a parent early on in life I can relate to the feelings generated by that loss. Whether that loss comes from nuclear radiation like in this book or something more common as cancer the feelings run just as deep.
- What expertise did you bring to your writing?
I hold a degree in Math and Science and operated a chemical and bacteriological analysis laboratory for many years. I use that background to develop the science needed to make the world I am creating seem real and believable. In my first published novel, Dead Or A Lie, the heroine’s sensitivity to light seemed like a real life sun allergy. This allergy helped the reader transition from the real world to my new and invented vampire world.
- As far as your writing goes, what are your future plans?
Paraphrasing John Lennon, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making plans.” So in other words I have plans for a sequel to Love, Lies, and Bad Guys and have started it, but if something comes up that piques my curiosity then I might put the sequel on the back burner until I pursue that new storyline.
- If you were the casting director for the film version of your novel, who would play your leading roles?
I’m not sure about this book, but In my first book and third published, Unrequited, I had a passion for the story and wanted to see it on the big screen. I took screenplay courses and wrote a script for it that I tried to market for quite some time, but unfortunately I couldn’t make a connection. Nevertheless, I had Morgan Freeman slated for the wise old black second generation son of a slave character, Riggs. Morgan Freeman has such a calming voice and demeanor that I was sure he would be the right guy for the part. I knew he would portray Riggs just as I wanted the viewers to see this wise old black man, Riggs.
- Do you belong to a critique group? If so how does this help or hinder your writing?
I did belong to a critique group for many years, but due to a distance issue now we haven’t met in quite some time. I think belonging to a critique group is a huge advantage to anyone, especially new writers. Writing in a solitary fashion and in a vacuum, so to speak, writing can seem like a unsurmountable task. When you meet with your group you begin to share ideas and get feedback about your work that reenergizes your imagination and creativity. I wholeheartedly recommend any writer, new or established, to join a critique group or any writers group as far as that goes. There is something about being in a room with a bunch of writers that helps spark your imagination and get you back on track with your writing.
- When did you first decide to submit your work? Please tell us what or who encouraged you to take this big step?
When I finished my first manuscript I had no idea what to do with it. So, out of the blue, I called a local author and explained my situation and asked for her advice. She told me to join the Central New York Romance Writers Group (CNYRW) in Syracuse, New York. Their next meeting was their annual convention and when I stepped into that conference hall I was simply amazed. I had never even spoken to another author, with the exception of Mary the local author I called, so being in a room with sixty or more writers was life changing for me. When I checked in everyone was so welcoming and kind that I felt at ease immediately. You see, Mary had called ahead to tell them I was coming so when I got there they knew I was kind of clueless and made sure I felt comfortable, especially being one of the only two men at the conference. Thank you, Mary.
8. Do you outline your books or just start writing?
They say there are two kinds of writers, Plotters or Pantzers.( An article about Plotters vs Pantzers) Plotters write outlines, plotting charts or boards etc. etc. that organize their research in a very clear path from the beginning to the end of the book. Pantzers are writers who write by the seat of their pants. They just go at it and let the moment and characters define the direction of the book. I tried that once and had to cut about 30,000 unnecessary words and scenes that didn’t add to the plot from my first manuscript. So from that time on and since I joined the CNYRW writing group I’ve been a plotter. I usually write around one hundred pages of outline that contains settings, plot, and important preliminary dialogue that brings me from the beginning to the black moment to the end.
- Have you started your next project? If so, can you share a little bit about your book?
Right now the sequel to Love, Lies, and Bad Guys is in the outline/research stage. Without giving away any spoilers the book takes up where Love, Lies, and Bad Guys leaves off and makes the transition from Astoria to Waldorf, Maryland and the Washington D.C. area. The main characters have been introduced in Love, Lies, and Bad Guys, but Jay and KC only make cameo appearances.
- Can you tell us a little about the black moment in your book?
That’s a tough question to answer without any spoilers, but I’ll try. In real-life we all have those lightbulb moments where what we didn’t understand or believe comes at us like a lightning bolt. In Love, Lies, and Bad Guys KC has to make a choice between her love for Jay and her secret mission to save the world from radiation poisoning. She’s already given up her integrity, friends, and most of her soul to complete her mission so, unfortunately, Jay becomes collateral damage in her own personal war and she sends him home. We can only hope Jay has his own lightbulb moment and sees what is staring him in the face.
When US Marshal Jay Stonewalker sees a possible terrorist comment in a chatroom frequented by anti-government radicals suggesting a nuclear threat to New York City, specifically the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, he can’t get it out of his mind. Against his boss’s orders he heads off to NYC to investigate on his own time. While there he follows a suspicious character into a secluded recess of the New York Subway system and foils what he believes is the terrorist event. In a shoot-out with his suspect he’s wounded and calls the NYC PD for backup. When he sees NYPD Detective KC Daviau and other uniformed officers slipping into the darkness from the subway platform he’s relieved, but to his surprise he’s met with resistance and disrespect by Detective Daviau. Against his objections, KC takes custody of the evidence and leaves the scene. When Jay asks an officer if she is always that way he’s told that, “Since her parents died, she’s been… let’s say… a little cold.” When they are assigned to work the case together, KC’s icy exterior soon begins to melt away as they begin to fall for each other, but KC has to hold back. She has a dark secret and knows he can’t ever know her truths because if he did he would hate her just as she hates herself for what she’s about to do.
“I was surprised to see you had body art.”
“It isn’t body art. It is my belief. I guess that’s why I don’t show them. It’s personal. They are of my Goddess, Mother Earth and the symbol of our tribe, the mighty eagle. The Mother Earth Tree Goddess demonstrates the circle of life. Where all things on land, air and water are connected. They are all one. If one element is removed, the tree will wither and die. We believe that it is the same for people. We must be as one or we will all eventually suffer. The Eagle is our symbol for bravery, something that is essential to take on such a derêp.” He saw her puzzled look and continued before she could speak. “Derêp is our word for job or chore. The Eagle is dedicated to protecting our tribe, which is a very difficult job. I use his image to remind myself each day that my task is difficult and not to falter. If you were just another chick, maybe I’d say they were body art, but I want to share that part of me with you.”
“So…” she teased. “How many other chicks have admired your body art?”
He laughed lightly with maybe a hint of a gallows laugh, “Not as many as you might guess.”
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
I still live in the community where I met and married my lovely wife, Janice. Actually, she lived around the corner from me and we both ignored each other until our teen years when the hormone thing kicked in and we suddenly realized that the cute little girl skipping rope and that goofy boy riding a bike had both grown up.
We are the proud parents of April and Lindsay; both of whom are now married. April married Darren and they have two beautiful boys, Brian and Owen. Lindsay married Tim and they have two beautiful children: Kailyn and Evan.
I enjoy hiking, kayaking, camping with my family, golfing, making candles, and restoring my antique European sports car, a 1972 MGB.
They say to write from what you know, so I do. I write of love, life and relationships. In addition to the romantic plot we all expect from a Romance novel all of my books deal with a real-world issue as a sub-plot that we all have had to deal in some manner in life, but not in a preachy way. I find that including this sort of theme helps me identify with my characters on a personal level. My hope is that the reader will also feel that connection with my characters.
I have four other published novels. Dead Or A Lie and Saint’s Sword are vampire Romances. Unrequited is a contemporary novel with romantic elements and received 4 stars from Romantic Times Book Review magazine. The Last Prejudice is a family saga that deals with the issues a family must address when a family member comes out.
I have been a member of the RWA and the Central New York Romance Writers since 2004 and have held various posts in my local group. By day I am a construction inspector for an engineering company.
Please visit my website: or email me at bill@billblodgett.comYou can also find me on Facebook at @authorbillblodgett and Twitter @bill_blodgett
Buy link:
Barnes and Noble
Bill Blodgett will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you for hosting, Christine.
Where do you do most of your writing? Congrats on the release.
I have a smallish writing. My biggest need while writing is a quiet area. I get distracted easily! No TV or music within earshot. Thanks for asking
LOL! Case in point. I was trying to write my answer to you, Bernard, while listening to coronavirus news on the today show and kind of messed it up. What I meant was- I have a smallish writing SPACE – Stay safe.
Welcome to my blog. I hope you have a great tour.
Thank you for having me here today, Christine!
Sounds amazing, thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Victoria. Thanks for visiting today.
Sounds like a great book.
Thank you, RIta!
I enjoyed the interview.