Impervious by Zoe Allison
Please welcome Zoe Allison author of Impervious
Zoe Allison will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
by Zoe Allison
GENRE: Vampire romance
1. What or who inspired you to start writing?
It was a few years ago, when I was looking for a creative outlet because I thought that it would be a good way to counterbalance career burnout. I had never considered myself a creative before; my skills were relatively poor when it came to arts and crafts. However, I had always enjoyed writing. I started penning texts for children’s picture books and after that I got into reading romance again. I discovered Sarah Morgan’s books and from there started to develop an inspiration to write romance.
2. How did you come up with ideas for your books?
It’s very unpredictable and hard to pin down. They tend to pop into my head when I’m least expecting it, sometimes unrelated to anything that’s going on or at other times linked to a book or a TV series/film that I’ve seen. However the resulting story goes on to bear no resemblance to whatever spawned the original idea.
3. What expertise did you bring to your writing?
I think the only thing would be medical expertise because I’m a doctor. Any injuries I describe or their investigation and treatment are medically accurate!
4. What would you want your readers to know about you that might not be in your bio?
I only started writing in my mid 30s and prior to that would never have thought of myself or referred to myself as a writer. So sometimes you need to grow up before you know what you want to be.
5. As far as your writing goes, what are your future plans?
I am currently writing the sequel to Impervious. After that I have a time travel romance that I want to write, and also a contemporary romance that I want to go back to and polish up.
6. If you could be one of the characters from any of your books, who would it be and why?
I think it would be Amber, the female lead from Impervious. She is physically and mentally strong and also has super human powers. I used to imagine being a hero when I was a child and being Amber would fulfill that fantasy.
7. If you were the casting director for the film version of your novel, who would play your leading roles?
For Amber I think my number one actress would be Tessa Thompson. She looks how I imagine Amber physically and also I think she would portray her kick ass ability effectively, plus her strong-minded attitude. I’m not sure about Hayden, I think someone confident and suave like Michael. B Jordan would be a good choice.
8. When did you first decide to submit your work? Please tell us what or who encouraged you to take this big step?
I was lucky enough to be on the Romantic Novelists Association’s New Writer’s Scheme and the feedback I received for Impervious was fantastically helpful. It gave me some excellent ideas for improvement and also confidence in the story. After that when I heard Totally Bound were looking for submissions in a few genres including paranormal and vampire I decided to go for it.
9. What is the best and worst advice you ever received? (regarding writing or publishing)
The best advice was to read everything I had written out loud in order to spot more errors in flow and repetition. When it comes to bad advice to be honest I don’t I’ve received any. Everyone has been very supportive and helpful along the way. Also I think there are so many different ways to write and become published that everyone’s journey is unique and so all advice is useful in one way or another.
10. Do you outline your books or just start writing?
I started off writing my first book and then Impervious as a pantser, with no outlining at all. I just sat down and started writing. I had a couple of ideas regarding some scenes I wanted to include but that was all. Now, for my current work in progress, I have made an outline but it isn’t very fleshed out, more a map of the ultimate destination and major stops along the way.
Vampires are real, existing alongside regular humans as a secret subspecies. The malevolent of their kind exploit their powers and immortality at the expense of their human counterparts. The Organization, a league of benevolent vampires headed up by the anonymous Mr. X, works covertly to keep this threat in check. Amber Ridley is the company’s top agent, unique to the team as the only human working alongside her vampire allies. She is an ‘Impervious’, a rare human with powers that can be used against the malevolent.
When Amber’s latest mission takes her back to the UK to work with her close companion Valentino, she meets his old colleague Hayden Knight. Hayden is infamous to Amber as the man who betrayed their organization and abandoned her friend Valentino in the past. She dislikes Hayden instantly, and his arrogant, cold demeanour does nothing to aid this.
Amber and Hayden are forced to work together on The Organization’s most important mission to date, and they must put aside their differences to take down the menace that threatens the very existence of their group. Amber must put her trust in Hayden, but is she impervious to love?
Victoria smiled, tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder. She lifted her hand, turned her palm upward and brought her fingers toward herself in an invitation to the fight. Her insolent gesture had the desired effect. He growled, and in a blind rage ran in her direction. She had already pulled back her arm and, as he reached her, she smashed her fist into his face, sending him hurtling away toward the tree line, where he crashed into a thick trunk, cracking it in the process. Within a split second Victoria was upon him, pinning him in place. She glanced over at Amber, who was still hidden a few feet away, and nodded.
Amber was by Victoria’s side quickly, even though, unlike her partner, she wasn’t capable of vampire speed. The man’s black, dead-looking eyes met hers, and registered her human form. A sneer appeared on his face as he started to thrash in an attempt to escape Victoria’s grip and get at Amber. Before he could gain any purchase, Amber closed in, grabbing hold of the man’s head. He screamed in agony, and Victoria stepped away while Amber did her work.
A few seconds later, silence fell. Moonlight shone on the fir-lined clearing, devoid of any presence except a mound of ash sitting beside a cracked tree trunk.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Zoe lives in Edinburgh, Scotland with her husband and two children. A medic by day, she started writing in her spare time as a means to counter burn out and found that this was a balm for the soul.
She is a fan of the romantic genre and its ‘happy ever after’ ethos. A sharp contrast to what she can, at times, see in her day job. Zoe is keen for the female lead in romantic fiction to disabuse stereotypes and walk on an equal footing with her male counterparts. She prefers male leads
who do not display signs of toxic masculinity and believes that positive masculinity is much more attractive to women and healthier for men.
Zoe Allison will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you for having me Christine! I’m working today but will stop by again later on. Hope everyone enjoys the interview!
Would you ever like to see your movie turned into a movie or tv show?
Hi Bernie. I actually would really like it to be a movie! There’s a good amount of action/adventure so I think it would translate well into film. As you can see from the interview I have had a little think about who I might cast!
Welcome to my blog. I hope you have a great tour.
Thanks again Christine!
Sounds wonderful!
Thank you Victoria!