Heart and Soul by Karen Michelle Nutt
Please welcome Karen Michelle Nutt author of Heart and Soul
Karen Michelle Nutt will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
Heart and Soul
by Karen Michelle Nutt
GENRE: Paranormal Romance
- How did you come up with ideas for your books? Sometimes it is a place I’ve visited, or a song has sparked an idea. Lost in the Mist of Time was inspired by a tour of St. Michan’s in Dublin, Ireland, where I shook the hand of a mummified crusader. Two Worlds Collided was inspired by one of my favorite rock stars that had committed suicide. My daughter and I had the conversation of ‘what if’ and the tale of second chances began to take form. Legends and ghost stories have played a part in my writings, too.
- As far as your writing goes, what are your future plans? I’m working on another rock star romance with a paranormal twist. I’m also working with a narrator for Heart and Soul. Look for the audio format release in the fall of 2020. I have a short story, Mermaid Cove and Seaside Sundaes, that will be released later this summer. It’s part of The Wild Rose Press’ One Scoop or Two series. I just received my book cover. So very excited!
- Do you belong to a critique group? No, but I have a good friend who reads my stories for chai-tea lattes and a print copy of the book when it comes out. lol  If so, how does this help or hinder your writing?
She isn’t shy about telling me what doesn’t flow right in the story or what doesn’t make sense. No sugar-coating with her, and that’s exactly what I need. That’s what happens when you’ve known someone for 57 years.
- When did you first decide to submit your work? Please tell us what or who encouraged you to take this big step? I never thought about submitting my work until a good friend asked me why I hadn’t. It was a good question. I typed the tales and kept them in a binder but never thought to send them to a publisher. It wasn’t until 2005 that I decided to research the possibilities. In 2006, my time travel romance in Ireland, Lost in the Mist of Time, was published. In March of 2020, it is now available in an audio format. What a thrill to hear the talented Andrew McDermott narrate the tale.
- Do you outline your books or just start writing? Usually, an idea comes to me, and I jot down a scene where the characters interact for the first time, then I go from there. This may be a scene in the middle of the book. I don’t always start with Chapter One. However, once I have the idea for the story, I have a pretty good idea of where the plot is going and how it will end.
- Do you have an all-time favorite book? The Olympians by Guy Bolton
Read this years ago…I had an old worn-out copy. Probably picked it up from a yard sale. Don’t remember.
One day, I decided I was going to read all those books I never had time to read, but were piling up sky-high in the corner of my living room. Lol The Olympians was one of the first I picked up with its cover barely hanging on and the pages yellow and worn with age. It was written in 1961 by Guy Bolton, who was a British-American playwright and writer of musical comedies. In his later years, he wrote four novels. The Olympians was one of them.
Loved, loved this novel about the passionate love story of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin! It’s one of those tales that stay with you long after you’ve read it. Since then, I’ve purchased a better copy. Still, a used copy since it’s out of print. 🙂 Well worth adding to your library of keepers.
- Have you started your next project? I’m working on another rock star romance. If so, can you share a little bit about your book? This is the unofficial blurb: Eastyn has her soda shop to run and specialty ice creams to create. Only the place is falling apart, and she may have a haunted jukebox that chooses songs to communicate. If things couldn’t get any more complicated, Drake, her ex-fiancĂ©, returns home after five years on the road with his rock band, Never Mind the Damage.
Eastyn vows not to fall for Drake’s charms again, but when you have a lifetime of memories with the man, the heart seems not to care about pledges. Her haunted jukebox believes choosing the right song to twirl and dip to is the answer to everything. However, Eastyn isn’t convinced. She wants to know if Drake is home for good, or will he break her heart all over again?
- Who is your favorite actor and actress? One of my favorites is Tom Hiddleston. I love how he’s extremely polite and articulate and has a great sense of humor. At least, this is my impression when he’s been interviewed. I loved him as the trickster god, Loki in the Thor movies. He was great in the gothic horror, Crimson Peak. And I especially liked him as the vampiric musician Adam in Only Lovers Left Alive.
- If you were a book, what would your blurb be?
Common sense tells Karen Michelle Nutt that influencing the past is impossible, but she does her best when time traveling to another century and bringing soul mates together. Music is her muse, and the lyrics are a spell that conjures rock star tales of romance. When she’s not changing the past or listening to music, she spends her day with shapeshifters and vampires, encouraging them to embrace their destinies with a wee bit of magic.
On another plane of existence, Ms. Nutt lives with her husband of thirty-five years is living her happily-ever-after. Her three grown children keep this realm fascinating with their tales of adventures, while the pets—four dogs and three cats keep her amused with their antics.
As to what the future may bring, the tale is still being woven into the tapestry of time.
80s rock star, Haley Rose, and her boyfriend went missing without a trace on October 31, 1988, and were eventually presumed dead. Three decades later, thirty-year-old, Rowan Beckett, recalls things only Haley Rose would know, and she can belt out songs in the same unique fashion. However, Rowan couldn’t be the missing rock star since Haley would now be in her fifties. Could Haley Rose have come back reincarnated as Rowan Beckett? Or is Rowan as delusional as her family suspects?
NOTE: The book will be on sale for $0.99 until July 25.
He didn’t know what was wrong with him. He never felt an attraction toward a woman as intensely as he reacted to Rowan just now. It was like the air had been sucked out of the room, and she was his lifeline. If he glanced away, he’d perish. No, that wasn’t entirely it. If he even blinked, he feared she’d cease to exist.
“Would you like a cup of coffee while you wait?” Katie thankfully spoke up, drawing Rowan’s concerned expression away from him and his weird-ass meltdown.
“Tea if you have it,” Rowan replied.
“Coming right up,” he blurted out a little too loudly, but it finally snapped him out of his bizarre trance. He hurried away or rather sprinted if truth be told. He needed to gather his composure, or Rowan would surely hightail it right out of here with the wrong impression of him, and he’d be out a manager. Worse, he would never have a chance to grasp why he wanted to know all there was to know about her.
Was it hot in here? Shit, he was sweating. Anxiety would do that to a man, but what was he so anxious about?
By the time he returned with the tea, he would have thought Katie and Rowan were friends catching up on old times. Rowan was telling Katie about how she carved giant pumpkins last Halloween to look like Frankenstein’s Monster and the other to look like Dracula.
“Earl Grey latte with a splash of vanilla,” he announced his arrival and slid the cup toward her on the bar.
Rowan’s face paled, and she stared at the cup as if he handed her some exotic concoction, she should be wary of sipping.
“Is something wrong?” he asked, concerned over her odd reaction toward a cup of tea.
She finally met his gaze, her big blue eyes wide and curious. “How did you know this was the way I take my tea?”

Magic portrait of romantic beautiful girl with wavy hair red lips art dress holding rose flower sitting on books. Female in the scenery of Alice in Wonderland. Fashion fairy tale about princess walking mistery forest.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Karen Michelle Nutt resides in California with her husband. Though her three children are grown and starting their own adventures, she still has a houseful of demanding pets. Jack, her Chorkie, is her writing buddy and sits long hours with her at the computer.
When she’s not time traveling, fighting outlaws, or otherworldly creatures, she creates book covers at Gillian’s Book Covers, “Judge Your Book By Its Cover”.
Whether your reading fancy is paranormal, time travel or contemporary romances, all her stories capture the rich array of emotions that accompany the most fabulous human phenomena—falling in love.
Visit the author at her website: http://www.kmnbooks.com
Blog: http://kmnbooks.blogspot.com
Gillian’s Book Covers, “Judge Your Book By Its Cover”
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorkarenmichellenutt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KMNbooks
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/karenmnutt
Amazon Author Page:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kmn_books
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/karen-michelle-nutt
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/karenmichellenutt
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenmichellenutt
Karen Michelle Nutt will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
Thanks for hosting!
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I love to go for walks in the park by my house. My friends and I try to go once a week. I also walk nightly with my husband. We have ourselves a good chat. It’s the best part of my day. 🙂
I love movies, too. I used to go to the theater once a week and perhaps I’ll have a chance to do so again soon. 🙂
Welcome to my blog. I hope you have a great tour.
Thank you so much for having me here. Much appreciated!
Great interview!
I’m so glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
Good morning and thank you for the book description and giveaway.Â
You are very welcome!