How to Control an Entire Planet by C.D. Hill-Lavalle
Please welcome C.D. Hill-Lasalle author of How to Control an Entire Planet
C.D. Hill-Lavalle will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
How to Control an Entire Planet
by C.D. Hill-Lavalle
GENRE: Religion / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth
What or who inspired you to start writing?
The “Timing” and God’s Word.
The truth I had accumulated in over 50 years of research was vast and highly controversial–especially in today’s climate of control. I utilized it only in one-on-one settings in my retreat and live teaching work over the last 30 years. I have witnessed numerous leaders, heads of state and even celebrities who had been purposely killed or assassinated for exposing just “One Tenth” of what I had discovered, which also made me cautious. Revealing it to the world in print was never considered until I became aware of an event that was predicted through Spirit. It was to occur after Dec. 21 2012 (the end of the Mayan calendar)–a date that signaled an awakening of human consciousness and a time of “No More Secrets”. However, I first had to see this prediction “play out”, see how many secrets emerged and see if enough people were “getting it” (which many were not–still hurting themselves and others in their lack of understanding). And one day the information just came pouring out: what happened over 2000 years ago that started all the destruction, crime, poverty and suffering we see globally today. Those first five chapters (on how this race had taken control), and the speed the information manifested through my keyboard made me realize it was “channeled” (coming in via of my Higher Self and my guide Quan Yin). The rest of the book took years to assemble and compile, and only after I’d received multiple assurances from Spirit that this information was needed to help humanity and I’d be “safe” exposing this much truth to the world.
How did you come up with ideas for your book?
I have always been a wisdom-seeker and avid reader and always drawn to non-fiction: self-help, self-improvement, self-empowerment and metaphysics. Have always questioned “life”, our purpose and the contradictions found in many religions and all our educational systems—very little “made sense” through my personal and business experiences. I made a lifelong quest of discovering the truth and meaning to it all—so I could make a difference in the world for myself and others. As an early skeptic, everything written in my book had to be either personally “Experienced” or “Validated” at least three times before I would ever talk or write about it—the most controversial subjects had to have an added “miraculous event” to convince me!
What expertise did you bring to your writing?
Experiences I’d had during my childhood fueled my 50 years of reading, study, observation, analysis and all the personal experiences that followed. I’d had success in the business world (in roles few women were allowed into), and was the sole income-earner for my family for over 20 years, eventually becoming a CEO of the “S.H.E. Centre Corporation’s Nature Retreat Experience” where I helped facilitate “higher education, miraculous personal healings and personal transformations” for those who attended. A challenging and costly divorce then ended this business and sent me on a journey of “New” discoveries, traveling across Canada and the U.S., seeing (and even experiencing) poverty, homelessness and the suffering our “Systems” have created for thousands of innocent and undeserving people and their families—systems that are destroying our planet and systems that NEED to change!
What would you want your readers to know about you that might not be in your bio? That I’m presently a 70 year old pensioner living below the poverty line with great ambitions to “Make a Difference” while I’m here and aid mankind towards a new beginning of health and prosperity, saving our wildlife and all that’s beautiful in the world. I could use some help, however, with all that’s going on today—to get the truth “Out There”! No one would ever guess my age as I’ve utilized my teachings to stay in perfect health and am youthful in spirit. I’ve never considered myself a “Writer” either, as I’m a slow one-finger typist, a bit of a perfectionist and can only write what is true and from the heart.
If you were the casting director for the film version of your novel, who would play your leading roles?
If a movie was made (out of the first 5 chapters), it could be considered a “Sci-Fi” and aptly entitled “THE BEGINNING OF THE MATRIX”. It could be the same cast and crew who created the story of Jesus, as it was an alien race who was actually invited in by the ruling church at that time. I have purposely left out specific names and details (though known) to limited the potential of increasing any hate or prejudice against their country (there’s too much of this in the world already).
When did you first decide to submit your work? Please tell us what or who encouraged you to take this big step?
Witnessing the destruction of wildlife and our environment and seeing how many people were condemning others—pointing fingers, blaming others for their lot in life, not realizing the “Truth”–the truth of who they were and that they had the power to “change” all of it. That these changes could only happen in our “unity” (something that is openly being suppressed these days), and my own particular circumstances (being restricted by these systems).
Do you outline your books or just start writing?
Had just started writing, then I let it flow from there, putting all the pieces in chronological order. Initially giving people “Who and What “ was really to blame, exposing the results and then giving people the easiest ways and means of changing everything–to heal their bodies, minds and souls and enhance their life.
Do you have any hobbies and does the knowledge you’ve gained from these carry over into your characters or the plot of your books?
My love and connections with people, animals, wildlife, nature, spirituality, native traditions, ancient sciences and metaphysics are all the reason for my writing and the motivating influence.
Do you have an all time favorite book?
The “Conversations with God” books (by Neale Donald Walsch)
What is your favorite reality show?
The “Survivor” —was interesting to see people of different nationalities and backgrounds, deal with life in the wilderness, facing hardships, challenges and personality differences, yet finding a common bond that ends up transforming their life forever (showing we ALL have that ability and connection).
Anything else you might want to add?
The world is in crisis today! Truth, understanding and compassion is needed more than at any time in our history. What I initially wrote about 7 years ago (the worst of the potential predictions) is all happening right now! Millions of people, in their lack of understanding, are being corralled into blind obedience and submission (even in democratic countries, who’s leaders used to honor and defend personal freedom and liberty)! Big money is controlling all governments, their institutions, all media and even the internet today, censoring hundreds of well-known doctors, scientists, virologists and humanitarian leaders who have all been trying to get “Truth” out to the public. These highly respected professionals are constantly being discredited, dismissed, closed down and censored, resulting in millions of unnecessary deaths that are not being reported. Those committing the most heinous crimes against humanity (those behind the “New World Order” being rolled out at present) do NOT want my book to be read or even discovered—especially since it contains too much truth, and, more importantly, allows people to realize they have the power to heal themselves, enhance their lives and the lives of others “easily”. It also contains the “Simplest Solutions” to correct all the problems we have globally today (all directly quoted from God).
Written under the guise of a Sci-Fi thriller, this little book ends up revealing more than just a riveting exposé. It soon reveals the very mysteries our civilization has been searching for, for centuries!
The “five steps” (narrated by an ancient and technologically superior race) tells how they easily set up their control and indoctrination of the planet’s populace to fulfill their sinister agenda. Initially seen as a detailed and prophetic set of instructions, the reader will soon suspect: this vague reference to another time and place, to an unknown and primitive world, is too familiar, too real and too foreboding.
All darkness will come to light as you journey down the “rabbit hole of the Matrix”, soon revealing the very “Who, What, How and Why” to every major event occurring globally today. More importantly, you’ll discover the “simplest” solutions to gain back and enhance your personal freedom, prosperity and future happiness!
It may just change your life and it may just change life as we know it on this planet!
“Fantastic…stimulating!” “One of the most interesting books I’ve ever read, second only to the Bible!”
— Ms. .J. G. Shuker
Great-grandmother & native elder to 14
children, and a retired pharmacist assistant.
“In her new book, Cheryl brings a unique and intriguing viewpoint on the world we live in today.” “Thought provoking!”
— Jessica Busch, Program Manager
Women’s Own Resource Centre
How you use the facts presented, I will let you decide, based on whatever stage of enlightenment you find yourself in. Whether you are an ambitious human wanting to conquer a less evolved race, a lover of mysteries, crimes and intriguing tales, or someone who is seeking answers to the meaning of life—this book will surely satisfy.
In this time and era of “No More Secrets”, where controversy and scandals are becoming the norm, I offer you a new exposé, a “Planetary Exposé”— one filled with mystery, corruption, intrigue and plenty of “food for thought”.
At the very least, I present these words to plant a seed in the minds of the inhabitants of this little blue planet, a planet that represents merely a tiny speck among the many universes that exist today. Our planet is the youngest, with a human population described by many other life-forms as: “uneducated bags of mostly water, primitive and savage in their current evolution.”
Under the guise of a science fiction, the first five chapters reveal an actual planetary takeover and the steps that were used to set up control of its populace, narrated (in italics) by one of the ancient and dark race of beings who had been involved with two, attesting to their proficiency in this process. One planet, after years of their control, exhausted its life—a physical legacy of a doomed culture. The second planet (a more successful takeover), this alien race will now refer to—one still under their control, and one that has been for thousands of years.
From the sixth chapter forward, I take the story in a new direction, revealing more important history, secrets, discovery and channel—offering powerful solutions to aid our own planet in its present day survival and ways to improve the health, safety and prosperity of all human beings. Note pages are added with the hope as you make your discoveries, it may inspire you to make a difference in your own life, or that of others. You may even discover more of your past within these pages—stifled memories of a distant yet forgotten ancestry.
Written to educate the inhabitants of our own planet, this five-step process is also a confessional of sorts, by a dissenter one could say, of this alien race. I’ve heard that he is one of many of his kind who is tiring of the control and deceit they have perpetuated. In its telling, there may be hope for our own understanding: that all souls, aliens and humans alike, can evolve, absolve their misgivings, and seek forgiveness. This is something we as humans would do well to master for our own peace and evolution.
This book, I’ve also found, has some divine “magic” within its pages. Every reader will discover a part of this story that is especially dedicated to them; and once read, then randomly opened with intent, each reader will find a valuable message for that day.
I hope that it will not only inform, but inspire, long after its completion— helping you gain the wisdom and power to not only enhance your own life, but all life on our planet.
Follow this journey and decide for yourself.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Born of humble beginnings, Cheryl could be seen as just an ordinary person; but she’s an “old soul” who has had some extra-ordinary experiences in her life. This, her first book (written in a love for humanity), is an accumulation of over fifty years of research and study, validated through personal experience and a host of miraculous events. Initially, this research was for her own personal healing and evolution – to “make a difference” in the world. It now facilitates her gifts as a quiet channel and intuitive healer (hoping to re-open a nature and healing retreat again).
Born with a passion for business, she became the sole income-earner during most of her twenty-seven years of marriage; however, through that experience and business success she also witnessed much injustice, abuse and discrimination, fueled by our current systems. Life eventually took her to see and experience the “other side of the tracks”, meeting thousands who were struggling with poverty, illness and addictions—all trying to cope with (or “escape” from) a system that has plagued mankind for centuries, and now, threatens the very planet we reside upon.
She is compelled to share her knowledge and discoveries with the world and “Right the Wrongs” done, so humanity can learn the truth of their existence and their potential for change. After six years of compiling information and unforeseen challenges, this writing has now emerged at what may be considered the perfect time – a time when the world is in massive fear and chaos, with people “questioning” more than ever before, realizing what’s really important in life and wanting solutions for their own peace, healing and prosperity. In this “Time of Awakening”, it is hoped that many will discover: that ALL life matters and everyone has the potential to heal, prosper and evolve
“naturally”, and with grace.
She is hoping, as this book is shared and distributed globally, that she can in some way make the difference she has sought for humanity and for life on our planet, and help others who wish the same.
CONNECT WITH C.D. Hill-Lavalle
PURCHASE LINKS for How to Control a Planet…in 5 Easy Steps: A Planetary Exposé to Empower Evolving Humans
C.D. Hill-Lavalle will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you Christine for hosting! (will drop by later and available if needed) – Cheryl
I liked the excerpt.
Thank you Rita. Your comment is appreciated. Everything written came from the heart, and as “Wild” as it may initially appear, is all my own personal experiences and discoveries. Thanks again, Cheryl
Welcome to my blog. I hope you have a great tour.
I really like the cover and the excerpt.
Happy New Year’s Eve.