Bobbie Candas by Bobbie Candas

Please welcome Bobbie Candas author of Bobbie Candas

Bobbie Candas will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

The Lost and Found of Green Tree

by Bobbie Candas


GENRE: historical fiction



Both heart-warming and gut-wrenching, the merging stories of Mariah and Nanette reveal their grit and determination as they attempt to carve out a better life for themselves during one the twentieth century’s most arduous decades.

Growing up in the rural village of Green Tree, Nanette is convinced she’s meant for a bigger life, perhaps in the spotlight of Hollywood. But selling popcorn in a Minnesota movie theater is a far cry from the glamor she dreams of; nevertheless, Nanette is undaunted by challenges.

Mariah, living just outside of Green Tree, yearns to move off the family farm and take on a modern job in a bustling city, but she’s sidetracked by love. By eighteen, she finds herself married to her high school sweetheart, giving birth to twin daughters, and living only a few miles from the home she grew up in.

As the economy worsens during the Great Depression, Nanette’s and Mariah’s lofty goals are forced to change as early tragedies confront both women. Brought together by a mutual friend, Nanette extends a generous offer to Mariah, but in time she exacts a frightening price.





This was it; my big moment, or utter defeat.

“And now… good people of Green Tree, the recipient of our tiara, the satin banner, and two dozen ears of corn goes to our 1927 Queen of Corn… the lovely Miss Nanette Jorgenson.”

Was it my imagination, or had the crowd erupted in massive applause? Forget the produce, just put that crown on my head and pin the banner across my chest. I stepped over to receive my handshake and congratulatory hug. Queen Nanette was crowned!

That week was magical for me and transformative. I cut my long blonde hair into a permed and crimped bob, almost giving Auntie a heart attack when she saw my thick eight-inch braid cut off and sitting on my vanity. I led the parade while waving from the back of a decorated, spanking-new red truck, borrowed from a dealership in Clear Lake. Auntie provided me with a silver sparkling fabric which I sewed into a draping drop-waist dress, hemming it rakishly short, exposing my knees. I felt special; little girls pointed at me when I walked down Main Street, while friends from school would stop and congratulate me. Topping that, I danced with every young man in town at the festival celebration. But most importantly, at the dance I met James Iverson.



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I’m a Texas girl: grew up in San Antonio, went to school at UT in Austin where I earned my degree in journalism, and settled in Dallas where I raised a husband, two kids and a few cats. My husband, Mehmet, and the cats will probably disagree on who raised who, but I’m a sucker for a robust discussion.

For years I was involved in retail management, but have more recently focused on my writing, taking deep dives into the lives of my characters. When you can pry my fingers off the keyboard, I enjoy entertaining, sharing food and drink with friends and family. I enjoy shopping, usually on the hunt for apparel, with a special weakness for shoes, and will frequently jump at the opportunity of an unexpected trip to a far-away place.

And I always make time for reading. I keep a stack of novels ready and waiting on my night stand, with a few tapping their toe in my Kindle. I bounce around genres, and I’m always ready for a good recommendation.

Novels by Bobbie Candas:

The Lost and Found of Green Tree

Imperfect Timing

Luck, Love and a Lifeline

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Bobbie Candas will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

8 responses to “Bobbie Candas by Bobbie Candas”

  1. Thank you for hosting today!

  2. Thanks Christine, for introducing my new novel!

  3. bn100 says:

    looks intriguing

  4. Merida Johns says:

    I always love a good women’s fiction. Intrigued by the “frightening price” and where this relationship between two women lands. Cheers on the publication.

    • Bobbie Candas says:

      Thanks so much for your comments Merida! Yes, my two lead characters, Nanette and Mariah, are quite different from each other, although they both covet some of the same things. I hope you find the story intriguing. I had a lot of fun writing this and learned so much about the time period through my research. Enjoy the read!

  5. says:

    Welcome to my blog. I hope you have a great tour.

  6. Dana Banana says:

    What genre is your favorite to read?

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