Don’t Hustle Letty Good Girls Book One

Don’t Hustle Letty by Christine Young

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BLURB: Don’t Hustle Letty

She’s a good girl…

As tempted as Scarlett was, she had too many secrets to let someone enter her world—secrets that would send any reasonable man to the farthest ends of the earth. Bobby was far from reasonable and despite her desperate attempts to hold him at bay, he would not let her past destroy their future. With her escort service, Scarlett used men and their insatiable lust for women to capitalize on the means to survive and prosper. She vowed to never wed, to never put herself in the control of a man.

…nonetheless he has other ideas.

Lord Robert Munroe, with his newly acquired title of marquis goes to Scarlett’s for training on how to comport himself. The marquis, better known as Bobby, knows how to pick a pocket as well as get into a bloke’s home to steal them blind. What he doesn’t know is how to be a gentleman. When he sets his sights on the prim Miss Scarlet, Letty, to his way of thinking, he decides she is the woman he wants to call his wife. He tempts all that she is with sweet words and tender coaxing until she is unable to refuse all he hopes to give her.


EXCERPT: Don’t Hustle Letty

Quietly, he slipped inside the bedroom. While his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he leaned against the door. A shaft of moonlight caressed her sleeping features. The scent of summer flowers drifted through the open window. She liked the window open despite the chill. It seemed Letty slept peacefully, her rich mahogany hair splayed out around her. She’d pushed the covers down around her waist. Fascinated he watched her breasts rise and fall. His body reacted fully aware of what he wanted.

            He slipped his shirt off before adding a log to the fire burning in the grate. Bobby eyed the floor with distaste before he removed his boots. Usually, Letty left bedding for him. Tonight, there was nothing, not even a blanket. Did that mean what he hoped it meant?

            After pouring a glass of brandy he sat back in a wing chair, rolling the glass between his hands and staring at the woman he loved. What moment did he fall in love with her? He wondered at the fact a pickpocket and house thief from St. Giles deserved to love a woman like Letty. She sighed softly, her breath whispering in the night air. He let his head fall on the back of the chair as he closed his eyes then gave way to wishful thinking.

            He must have dozed for a few minutes. What brandy was left in the snifter he tossed back.

            “Bobby?” Her soft voice rippled along his senses, soothing and comforting.

Certain he was hearing things he slowly opened his eyes. Letty sat upright on the bed. Her rich mahogany hair spilled around her shoulders tumbling to her waist as she moistened her lips. He yearned to see her eyes, see if they were the dark green color they turned when she felt desire and passion rising.

            “What?” he asked, his gut tightening.

            “Come to bed,” her voice was soft, barely discernible, nearly breathless in the dark sultry night.

            He wondered if she was afraid or just sleepy. Earlier in the night she wanted him. They would have slept together, might have made love if Billy hadn’t arrived unexpectedly. When dealing with an innocent, one could never truly be sure how a night would end. Not that he had any experience with innocent women. Even though Letty wasn’t a virgin she was innocent in the ways of men and women. She might have told him to stop.

            “Are you sure?” he queried, as he stood hesitant to obey her request.

            She smiled at him. “I’m positive.”

            When he cleared his throat, he realized he never expected anything like this nor did he know how to proceed. Wasn’t sure if she was asking for more than just sleep. He never slept in his clothing, nevertheless he didn’t dare strip naked right in front of her. The act could scare her half to death.

            “Just to sleep?”

            Hells bells, he needed to clarify what she wanted. He couldn’t very well assume she wanted to take up where they left off. Teasing her to arousal was one thing however climbing into bed with her without the benefit of foreplay was entirely different.

            “I don’t know. What do you want?”

She lifted her shoulders in a small shrug making her breasts move delightfully beneath her prim white sleeping gown. She pushed hair from her face, her nipples pushing against fabric, teasing.

He tried to stifle the groan rumbling from deep in his lungs. She patted the spot beside her on the bed. What he wanted was blatantly obvious if he removed the rest of his clothes.

            “I want to make love to you.”

Carefully, he watched for a reaction. She blinked a few times while her gaze seemed to stay riveted on his chest. Thank his lucky stars she wasn’t looking lower.

            “Thought that was what you, what we, intended earlier in the evening. You know, before Billy changed everything.”

Inwardly he grinned as he sat down on the bed. “We did. I just wasn’t sure you would still feel that way. Need to be sure we are thinking along the same lines.” He stretched out beside her, taking her into his arms. She was soft and pliant, lifting her face as if she asked for a kiss.

            She reached up, touching her hand to his cheek. Setting a romantic scene, moonlight fell across her body. Soft summer breezes fluttered the curtains of a barely open window. Slowly he fit his mouth across hers. With no hesitation she opened for him accepting the play of his tongue within the sultry recesses she offered to him. They kissed. She seemed to withdraw from him as her eyes closed sleepily. Her hand rose to stifle a yawn.

            Wishing to savor this moment before she fell asleep, he pulled her close. His hands ran the length of her back settling on the soft curves of her backside. He pulled her closer. Her head rested against his chest. He played with the long tendrils of hair cascading around him. Felt her total relaxation as her body slackened against his. He chuckled softly. No woman ever fell asleep in his arms. This woman he wanted to bed more than he’d ever wanted anything was now sleeping peacefully.



Scotland, Glasgow, Romance, Historical










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